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The workshop addresses the conservation problems of clothing with skill and professionalism, concerning itself with the safeguard of both historical and contemporary clothing, theatrical costumes and fashion accessories.
The conservation and restoration of an item of clothing focuses on the multidimentional aspect both while in storage, through the creation of supports for the fabric structure, and while on display, when the garment regains its volumetric identity, through the creation of a body shape on a dressmaker’s dummy. This operation is known as “dressing”.
The use of appropriate materials for conservation, the production of substructures relevant to the various different periods in history, the use of certified instrumentation and innovative execution techniques all come together to produce an operational method targeted on the garment’s preservation in accordance with state-of-the-art conservation standards.
Opera Laboratori’s restorers put to good use the experience that they have built up and consolidated over time by also acting as consultants for museums, public and private institutions and fashion archives in planning preemptive conservation schemes for entire textile collections.
Dressing a garment is a complex and delicate operation in that it is not merely a preparatory phase ahead of the exhibition, it is also a moment of conservation assessment where the restorer also has the task of preempting potential damage caused by display-related stress.
Dressing a garment is a complex and delicate operation in that it is not merely a preparatory phase ahead of the exhibition, it is also a moment of conservation assessment where the restorer also has the task of preempting potential damage caused by display-related stress.
The volumetric construction of body shapes that can be adapted to the size of the garments to be displayed ensures that the operation of arranging the garment on the dummy respects its condition and state of conservation, also in connection with the length of time the garment is due to remain on display.
The volumetric construction of body shapes that can be adapted to the size of the garments to be displayed ensures that the operation of arranging the garment on the dummy respects its condition and state of conservation, also in connection with the length of time the garment is due to remain on display.
For fashion exhibitions or museum layouts, the Workshop is in a position to offer its experience in the selection and supply of supports, busts and dummies in various styles, in naturalistic or abstract shapes for historical garments and costumes or for modern and contemporary clothing.
For fashion exhibitions or museum layouts, the Workshop is in a position to offer its experience in the selection and supply of supports, busts and dummies in various styles, in naturalistic or abstract shapes for historical garments and costumes or for modern and contemporary clothing.
For specific requirements such as the production of wigs or creative hairstyles, the company can provide the service, also by consulting with external partners should the need arise.
For specific requirements such as the production of wigs or creative hairstyles, the company can provide the service, also by consulting with external partners should the need arise.
In the context of layouts or in clothing storage areas or textile archives, the workshop can handle and shift exhibits and rearrange them in situ; organise all safety and security arrangements; perform maintenance and restoration on the items; and dismantle the layout and store the items in storage or in their archive.
In the context of layouts or in clothing storage areas or textile archives, the workshop can handle and shift exhibits and rearrange them in situ; organise all safety and security arrangements; perform maintenance and restoration on the items; and dismantle the layout and store the items in storage or in their archive.
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